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One step further in system development with augmented reality

Simulation has long been part and parcel of mechanical engineering! No company can afford to plan, build or use machines or systems without taking advantage of a simulation solution: Starting with close collaboration between all teams involved, rapid testing of different ideas, virtual commissioning and even maintenance and monitoring of a running machine. However, the use of AR systems is now also standard in many companies. An even more detailed insight into the virtual plant, the planned processes and later the monitoring of a real plant in real time. But who is the right person to use such an AR solution?

Basically, every company benefits from having a different perspective in and on planned systems. The Munich-based company machineering, provider of the simulation software iPhysics, has managed to optimally connect the AR systems to its self-developed solution. The models that are transferred to virtual reality are based exclusively on real CAD data. All parameters implemented in the simulation model are transferred to the virtual model in real time. This allows the behavior of the system to be simulated in real time in early development phases and enables the exact cycle time and future capacity utilization of the system to be determined. Problems with the system that would occur on the real machine after construction are thus visible on the model at an early stage and can therefore be avoided. By using AR glasses, the running system can even be virtually inspected based on real-time data in order to identify errors better and faster. It is also possible for users to run through all processes on the virtual model in advance and thus find the optimum solution.

What should be used? Glasses or app?

With AR glasses, iPhysics models are superimposed onto the real environment. This allows live information from the control system to be integrated directly into the model. Alternatively, users can use the specially developed AR app from machineering. This allows teams from different locations to view the model on a mobile device, dive into it, discuss it and much more. Only by providing the IP address is access to the AR model available to all participants worldwide.

Advantages of AR

The main advantage of aumented reality technology is that users can perceive the environment during the application and also interact with other users. This often occurs during the planning phase, but maintenance work can also be carried out completely independently of location. Once a machine has been put into operation, support is expensive and time-consuming, especially for overseas business. However, AR glasses such as the Microsoft HoloLens connected to iPhysics or the AR app provide a remedy: when everyone involved wears the glasses or uses the app, the same data is displayed in the environment at the same time. Almost as if they were both standing in front of the real machine. If customer service needs to be requested, the support team can use the AR application to connect to the model and guide the employee live. The employee can then be guided step-by-step through the troubleshooting process. Support as simple help for self-help.

Why simulation at all?

Simulation creates an enormous safety gain for companies – especially for complex planning. By identifying bottlenecks or problems at an early stage, the risk of planning errors can be easily minimized. Planned changes can also be validated promptly. In the event of uncertainties, it is always possible to compare different planning scenarios and thus filter out the optimum. This also allows statements to be made very quickly about output and overall system effectiveness. With the help of continuous comparison through simulation, even the smallest changes are no obstacle to the live collaboration of a mechatronics project group.

Simulation with iPhysics enables a continuous comparison of all disciplines and work steps – throughout the entire development process. The simulation is available as a cross-divisional platform on which the current development status can be verified at any time and checked for feasibility with other areas. The mechanical, electrical and software departments simultaneously access the same models, which they each work on in their native development environment, develop further together and immediately test in interaction using the simulation. In this way, the current development status in mechatronics development is tested in an interdisciplinary manner in the earliest phases of the development process. 

Simulation takes on a completely new role in system development. Away from testing along a dead end to a result, towards a medium that brings together the different components of a machine in an articulable digital prototype.


iPhysics Broschüre


Klare Potenziale durch eine virtuelle Inbetriebnahme

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