Combining theory and practice “playfully” with simulation


Putting dry theory into practice with simulation

Simulation software is now firmly established in industry and manufacturing. However, “real” simulation software such as iPhysics is also increasingly being used in teaching to enable students to gain practical experience of simulation during their studies. We at machineering work together with various universities and provide the institutes with numerous, time-limited accesses to our software. For us, this is a real investment in the future. But why does it make sense?

Practice shows

Incorporating practical elements into teaching brings many advantages: students can use iPhysics to immediately see the effects of their programmed controls, for example. They can approach programming “playfully” and learn the theory through practical application with the simulation software. Programming errors are quickly identified and can be rectified using debugging tools. You can try things out, see the effects directly, vary and do all this completely risk-free. When a model finally works smoothly, e.g. error-free storage and retrieval from a warehouse with a storage and retrieval machine, this is a great sense of achievement for the students.

Well prepared for professional life

Students find it easier to learn with the simulation software, and even very complex relationships can be conveyed easily. The students leave the university with good, practical skills. This knowledge will certainly stand them in good stead in their future careers.

Because, as the other perspective shows, companies benefit enormously from employees who have already worked with simulation software and bring this experience into the company. Many manufacturers of industrial plants and operators use simulation software nowadays. Whether during development, to safeguard operations or for support and service purposes. Of course, new employees are trained to be able to work with the in-house programs. But it saves the company a lot of money and time if an employee can already demonstrate good prior knowledge in the field of simulation.

Our iPhysics simulation software is used by many well-known companies. We are all the more pleased that we can create real added value for students, teachers and companies by working together with universities.

Would you like to find out more? We have use cases from universities on how they have used iPhysics in teaching.


iPhysics Broschüre


Klare Potenziale durch eine virtuelle Inbetriebnahme

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