Not all simulations are the same – 5 points to look out for when making your choice


Simulation software is now a dime a dozen. Every provider offers advantages, application scenarios and specials that make it difficult for potential users to find the right simulation. In this blog, we want to provide a guide on how to quickly and reliably find suitable software for machine simulation based on selection criteria.

  1. Which area should be simulated?
    Before you search for possible providers in search engines, you need to be clear about what requirements a simulation should fulfill. Are you looking for simulations in the gaming sector, in medicine such as the simulation of surgical procedures, simulators (e.g. flight simulators) or are you looking for simulations in an industrial environment? In the following article, we will limit ourselves to industrial applications.

  2. What should be simulated?
    Now the question of what exactly is to be simulated should be answered. Is it about machines and systems – whether large or small – their processes and material flow? Or is the focus on the behavior of certain components due to pressure or temperature, for example? If this is the case, the finite element method (FEM simulation for short) is used. As FEM simulation cannot be used to simulate real machine processes, I will not go into this in the next few steps. However, there is a lot of information about this on the internet (Wikipedia)

  3. which technology should be used?
    There are different types of simulation. One of them is rigid-body simulation. This refers to the continuous simulation of the movement of rigid bodies over time. By assigning physical properties, complex material flow scenarios can be simulated in a few simple steps. With the help of rigid body simulation, sometimes also referred to as physics simulation or physics-based simulation, complex programming of simulation models and scenarios becomes superfluous.

    We recommend physics-based simulation for machine simulation, as it simulates real machine behavior. Good processes can be simulated, as can collisions, falling, incorrect gripping, incorrect depositing, etc. If, on the other hand, a non-physics-based simulation is used, error scenarios must be programmed into the process. And this has little to do with reality.

  4. How do I find the right provider?
    In the search engines you can find several manufacturers on the subject of physics-based machine simulation (e.g. Google search). But even here the question quickly arises as to who supplies the right software.

    At this point, it is advisable to draw up a checklist with all the relevant features that the software must be able to do. One item on the checklist could be

    • CAD integration
      • Can CAD models be integrated directly from my CAD system?
      • Can I make changes to the model that are immediately saved back to CAD?
      • Is there a library that I can use to create models

    • Connection of control systems
      • Can control systems be connected?
      • How is the connection made (e.g. TCP IT, Ethernet, Profinet, Profibus)?
      • Is the software real-time capable?

    • Connection of robotics
      • Can robots be simulated?
      • How extensive is the library?
      • Is the connection of real robot controllers supported?

    • Real-time emulation
      • Profinet
      • EtherCAT
      • etc.

    • Which visualizations are possible?
      • Do I only need the simulation on the screen?
      • Should VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) also be possible with the software?
    • And the all-important question. How many software modules or software applications do I need to implement my requirements? If I need several software products, interface problems can occur or the price can increase dramatically.

Now it’s time to contact the providers and get quotes. In a further blog post, possible requirement criteria will be discussed in more detail in a fully developed checklist.

5. How much should the simulation software cost?

Simulation doesn’t have to be expensive. With us, you simply purchase the license to use iPhysics – whether you rent or buy. We make the software available to you online, in the cloud or dongle-based. If required, we can also supply the necessary hardware and services. Of course, you can always contact our experts if you have any questions. But basically, you create the simulation models. This not only saves costs and time, your data also remains on your server.

Remember: The simulation model is only as good as the software….

Would you like to find out more? Simply book an appointment. We will be happy to advise you!


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